MCE Mostra Convegno Expocomfort has a long history in representing all the solutions related to the living comfort. And while those solutions largely concur to the total CO2 emissions, MCE promoted and supported the developement of renewable energies, innovation, technology efficiency and electrification for the needed energy transition.

The hydrogen related components and technologies embody an important opportunity to win the challenge for the full decarbonization in all the economic sectors and MCE has the ambition to help the newborn hydrogen production chain and open new communication channels and international relationships thanks to the worldwide proven experience in the energy sectors of RX Group.

The Hydrogen Project

The MCE Hydrogen Project developed over time and consisted of multiple events that contributed to the development of new networking relationships, to the analysis and sharing of current and future opportunities and to the to the generation of a debate that can bring the specific requests of companies to the attention of the legislator.

  • MCE Hydrogen Summit - 6 July 2023 (Allianz MiCo Milano)
  • Hydrogen Hub at MCE Mostra Convegno Expocomfort 2024 (Fiera Milano Rho, 12-15 March 2024)

The Goals

Provide networking opportunities for a better interaction between the players involved in the new hydrogen production chain and to propose innovative and sustainable solutions

Suggest projects that express the point of convergence of all the essential technologies required fo the market development

Generate information and culture and stimulate debate, soliciting an organic regulatory framework

MCE Hydrogen Hub

Hydrogen Hub was the event area dedicated to hydrogen related solutions and technologies where companies could take advantage of an exhibiting solution and a workshop area to present their business. An opportunity for networking with the public of professionals who want to deal with companies that are players of this market.

In collaboration with

Hydrogen Hub Exhibitors 2024

MCE Hydrogen Summit  - 6 July 2023

In the prestigious setting of the Allianz MiCo Milano Convention Center, a day dedicated to hydrogen and its development prospects.

The Hydrogen Summit held on 6 July, organized by MCE in collaboration with the Energy&Strategy Group of the Milan Polytechnic and Anima Confindustria, offered us the opportunity to take stock of the current state, opportunities, limits and development prospects of the hydrogen supply chain in Italy.

The program of interventions saw the presentation of the Hydrogen Innovation Report 2023 by the Energy & Strategy Group of the Milan Polytechnic, an analysis of business models for the application of hydrogen technologies by ANIMA Confindustria, a vision on the plant engineering and hydrogen market by CRESME, as well as speeches and round tables with companies that work and are actively contributing to the creation of an Italian hydrogen supply chain.